Time to take a step back from daily life, set out to meet others get an experience of the wider Church, find out more about our faith, discover and praise God through the beauty of His creation. In the Autumn we have a pilgrimage to Walsingham, to visit Our Lady’s Shrine. We have also supported parishioners to go to Lourdes with the Diocesan Pilgrimage.
Warm spaces
For the past couple of years we have run a warm space every Thursday lunchtime at St Thomas More, providing lunch, wifi, support, company, and a warm space for anyone who needs it. Initially we thought this would be taken up by those experiencing financial hardship in our community, however as time has gone on, we have realised that this is a valuable time and space for those who are living alone to meet and relax in the company of others.
Pastoral visiting
We have a number of ill and housebound people in the parish. Visiting these people and taking them Holy Communion is an important task. Many people feel isolated when they cannot get out of the house. When someone takes the time to visit and talk it can remind them of their dignity as a member of the community who is loved and valued.
Project Galilee
With the closure of St Pancras Catholic Primary School in Lewes and the Bishop’s Diocesan Plan we have plans within our cluster to take over the St Pancras School site and use it as a Mission Hub for our new Parish of Lewes. It is a great central location in the new parish and will allow us to all pool resources for formation, prayer, and other events. Find out more
“God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.” – Mother Teresa