What next for Mission Hope & Family of Faith?

In April 2023, the Parish of Seaford, Newhaven, and Peacehaven embarked on a transformative journey with the launch of Mission Hope. This initiative aims to rejuvenate our faith community by engaging young families and fostering a deeper connection to our Catholic heritage.

By August 2023, Mary Ann and Claire joined Deacon Stephen in leading the Mission Hope team. Together, they have revitalized our parish through various programmes:

  • Youth Club and Young Adult Engagement: Activities like the Madagascar Mud Run have strengthened bonds among our younger members.
  • Family of Faith Program: This monthly gathering begins with Holy Mass, followed by community fellowship over tea, coffee, and a shared lunch. Families then participate in activities, receive formation teachings, games and concludes with prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

These efforts have led to a heartening return of young families to our church. Children’s Liturgy, Baptism preparation, and First Holy Communion programmes have been transformed, making the faith journey more engaging for our young people and families.

Pope Francis reminds us: “Faith grows when it is lived and shaped by love. That is why our families, our homes, are true domestic churches.”

As we look ahead, Mission Hope will delve into the concept of the Domestic Church and its significance in the broader renewal of the whole Church. We believe that young children possess a remarkable capacity to grasp profound truths; thus, we are committed to presenting the fullness of our faith without dilution.

Pope Benedict XVI once said: “Having faith means drawing support from the faith of your brothers and sisters, even as your own faith serves as a support for the faith of others.”

We invite you to stay connected with Mission Hope’s developments by continuing to visit our website, and following our social media channels. Together, let us continue to share the great Jesus story through the truth, goodness, and beauty of our Catholic faith.

For more insights into our mission and alignment with the Diocesan Plan of the Catholic Diocese of Arundel and Brighton, please refer to the Diocesan Plan.

Let us journey together in faith, hope, and love, nurturing the seeds of belief within our families and community.

#domesticchurch #catholic